Grupo Pistacyl Launches an Exclusive Gourmet Box in Collaboration with the Thyssen Museum

Grupo Pistacyl Launches an Exclusive Gourmet Box in Collaboration with the Thyssen Museum

Grupo Pistacyl Launches an Exclusive Gourmet Box in Collaboration with the Thyssen Museum 1512 2016 Grupo Pistacyl

The range of pistachio products made by Grupo Pistacyl is now part of the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, where they can be purchased at its official store.

The family-owned company from Valladolid has reached an agreement with the national gallery to launch an exclusive gourmet box. This box reproduces a painting from the Carmen Thyssen collection and contains a selection of products made with 100% natural pistachios, including pistachio paste, granules, ground pistachio, and pistachio and white chocolate cream.

The box is part of the museum’s exclusive DelicaThyssen gourmet selection and is available at the Thyssen Museum Shop in Madrid and on its website. It can also be purchased directly from Grupo Pistacyl via their website and will soon be available at select exclusive retail locations.

This limited-edition box features on its exterior the painting “Garden in Soest”, an oil painting created around 1905 by the German expressionist Christian Rohlfs. The artwork is part of Baroness Thyssen’s private collection.

The painting is characterized by its thick impasto technique, expressive brushstrokes, and seemingly vertical accumulation of colors, some of which are non-natural, evoking the style of Van Gogh. It depicts a view from the artist’s window overlooking the garden of his house in the Westphalian town of Soest. Its predominant green, ochre, and mauve tones reflect the rural roots of Grupo Pistacyl and its commitment to 100% natural products.

Inside the box are four glass jars containing the latest Grupo Pistacyl products. Each jar features a custom label for this presentation, reproducing a detail from Rohlfs’ painting.

One jar contains Pistacyl Natural Pistachio Paste, ideal for making ice creams, nougat, pastries, and as an ingredient in various recipes.

Two jars include Pistacyl Pistachio Granules (pistachios crushed into approximately 2mm pieces) and Pistacyl Ground Pistachio, perfect for preparing both sweet and savory recipes.

The fourth jar contains Pistachio and Chocolate Cream Pistacyl, made with 56% pistachio cream and granules mixed with white chocolate, ideal for baking and direct consumption.

These products contain no salt, preservatives, colorants, sugar, or any other additives. They are made from 100% natural, raw pistachios, avoiding high temperatures that can degrade the mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in this nut.

The production process involves crushing and grinding natural pistachios in several phases to prevent temperature changes that might alter their natural qualities, flavor, and nutritional properties.

The Pistacyl gourmet box is enhanced with a QR code providing access to recipes crafted with these products by renowned chefs and pastry experts, including Michelin-starred chef Álvaro Hinojal (Alquimia Restaurant, Valladolid); Nauzet Betancort (Gastrobodega Martin Berasategui, Rueda); José Juan Taboada (Triana Restaurant, Candelario); Lázaro Sanabria (Castilviejo Pastry, Medina de Rioseco); David Galán (Monaco Restauración, Medina del Campo); Álvaro Galicia (Pastelería Galicia, Tordesillas); Inés Hernández (Confitería El Bombón, Valladolid); and Laura Junquera Fernández (Alcazarén Professional School, Valladolid).

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PISTACYL S.L has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets during the 2018. Thanks to this, it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Valladolid Chamber of Commerce.

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PISTACYL S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “HOMOGENIZACIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN  DE PISTACHO DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN BASADO EN LA CALIBRACIÓN DE AGRICULTURA DE PRECISIÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20200822 , a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020.

El objetivo general del proyecto es continuar con la especialización y aprendizaje en las buena prácticas del cultivo del pistacho, con el fin ser competitivos en el mercado actual por medio de la homogenización de la producción basada en la agricultura de precisión.

Lugar de ejecución: Pozal de Gallinas- Valladolid.
Plazo de ejecución: de marzo de 2020 a diciembre 2022.
Presupuesto de ejecución: 209.826€.
Ayuda parcialmente Reembolsable: 162.824,98€

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“Grupo Pistacyl ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Internacionalización con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2023. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE de la Cámara de Comercio de Valladolid.”
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