The pistachio from Castile and Leon produced by the Pistacyl company was the protagonist in an exhibition held this summer in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.
The exhibition was part of Rijksakademie Open Studios 2023, a highly prestigious international event in which 40 international artists showed their works and which was visited by more than 10,000 people.
Tom K Kemp, one of the artists participating in this exhibition, used piles of Pistacyl pistachio shells in his work “Dead Minutes” to visualize the scale and accumulation of time and people.
The shells provided by Pistacyl appeared in different areas of the exhibition space and could also be seen in the film that was also part of this work by Tom K Kemp.
The Pistacyl pistachio will return to the exhibition halls next April again thanks to Tom K Kemp, who will exhibit another version of his project “Dead Minutes” at the STRP Festival in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and in which he will use again the shells of this dried fruit.
Artist, filmmaker and writer, Tom K Kemp uses role-playing game design in his works to tell collaborative ghost stories about the relationships between complexity and the humans who constitute it.
His work has been exhibited at La Casa Encendida (Madrid), at the EYE Filmmuseum and at the Veem House in Amsterdam (Holland), at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg (Germany) and at the Biennale Internationale Design in Saint-Étienne (France).
© Photo: Sander Van Wettum