The president of Grupo Pistacyl, Alfredo Pérez, participated on the 15th of November in an informative conference organised by the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of Palencia (ETSIIAA) of the University of Valladolid (UVa) with the aim of learning about the current situation of some of the high-value crops and their potential for the province of Palencia.
Alfredo Pérez was in charge of presenting Pistacyl’s experience in pistachio cultivation at the conference, explaining the origins of this family business with this dried fruit, the details of its cultivation and its determined commitment to innovation and sustainability, which have allowed it to position itself today as the main pistachio producer in Castile and Leon.
Along with the president of Grupo Pistacyl, other experts from entities such as the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITACYL), Agromillora, and ID Forest also spoke at the event, explaining the viability of olive trees in the province of Palencia, experiences with hazelnut cultivation in Castilla y León, the potential of almond trees, and the present and future of truffle farming in Palencia.
The event also included the presentation of two private initiatives, the Ceres Rural Innovation Hub collective, and the public Agroaceleradora de Castilla y León, which highlighted their role as a driving force for innovation to promote the implementation of alternative crops in the region.
Organised by professors Jorge Martín and Jorge Poveda, professors from the Department of Plant Production at ETSIIAA and researchers from GIR Agrobiotech, the event was open to students, farmers, technicians and was sponsored by the Provincial Council of Palencia.