Recoletas Pistacyl ends a great season

Recoletas Pistacyl ends a great season

Recoletas Pistacyl ends a great season 1600 1200 Grupo Pistacyl

The Recoletas Atlético Valladolid Pistacyl, a cadet handball team sponsored by Grupo Pistacyl, finished the 2022-2023 season achieving excellent results in all the competitions in which it had participated.

Thus, the “blue mini-gladiators” trained by Álvaro Martínez finished second in the Cadet Championship of Castile and Leon, in an exciting and even best-of-four final held in Valladolid at the end of April.

Their three-goal victory on the last day against the champions, Abanca Ademar León, gave them, in addition to being runners-up, a place to participate in the zone phase of the Spanish Championship, which they finished in second place in Group D in which they played from May 12th to 14th in Tarazona.

Added to these stupendous results is the bronze obtained in the Minicopa de España held on May 5th in Santander and where they had a great participation with three wins and one loss.

In addition to the excellent performance of all the members of the team, the Recoletas Pistacyl season has also stood out for the great role played by its fans, cheering on their team at all times with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship, as has been highlighted by the rival teams and media.

Thanks to this sponsorship, during the 2022-2023 season, the Recoletas Atlético Valladolid Pistacyl players have worn the Pistacyl Group logo on their shirts, in tune with the healthy lifestyle that the company wants to promote through its flagship product, the pistachio, which players have given to their rivals in competitions.

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PISTACYL S.L has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets during the 2018. Thanks to this, it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Valladolid Chamber of Commerce.

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PISTACYL S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “HOMOGENIZACIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN  DE PISTACHO DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN BASADO EN LA CALIBRACIÓN DE AGRICULTURA DE PRECISIÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20200822 , a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020.

El objetivo general del proyecto es continuar con la especialización y aprendizaje en las buena prácticas del cultivo del pistacho, con el fin ser competitivos en el mercado actual por medio de la homogenización de la producción basada en la agricultura de precisión.

Lugar de ejecución: Pozal de Gallinas- Valladolid.
Plazo de ejecución: de marzo de 2020 a diciembre 2022.
Presupuesto de ejecución: 209.826€.
Ayuda parcialmente Reembolsable: 162.824,98€

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“Grupo Pistacyl ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Internacionalización con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2023. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE de la Cámara de Comercio de Valladolid.”
Una manera de hacer Europa

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