The new pistachio products from Pistacyl triumph at Salón Gourmets

The new pistachio products from Pistacyl triumph at Salón Gourmets

The new pistachio products from Pistacyl triumph at Salón Gourmets 1600 1200 Grupo Pistacyl

Grupo Pistacyl’s new products made from its natural pistachio got a great reception at the 37th edition of Salón Gourmets, held from April 22 to 25 at IFEMA, in Madrid.

The company from Valladolid presented its new launches at this event: ground pistachio “Tierra de pistachio”, pistachio granules “Granella de pistachio” and “Pistachio and chocolate cream”, which have joined the “Pistacyl Pistachio Paste”, which the company also announced with great success in the previous edition.

All of these products are made from natural, unroasted pistachios and have no preservatives, coloring, oil or added sugar that alter their natural qualities and nutritional properties.

Pistachio pasta, granella and ground are ideal for making sauces and pasta, meat and fish dishes.

Like pistachio and chocolate cream, they also have a great application in the preparation of pastry and confectionery products, as the master pastry chef Lázaro Sanabria, from the Castilviejo Pastry Shop in Medina de Rioseco, was in charge of demonstrating during the fair.

In addition, the Pistacyl pistachio was present in two showcooking events held during the event.

On April 22, in the Gastro Space of the Tierra de Sabor stand, the chef with a Michelin Star Juanjo Losada, from the Pablo Restaurant (León), presented 7 preparations with different products belonging to this brand, among them the “False noodle and Pistacyl pistachio”.

In addition, on April 24, Inés Hernández, from the El Bombón bakery in Valladolid, winner of the I Dulcería Contest for her dessert “Merceditas”, held a demonstration and tasting of her winning creation, which also has Pistacyl pistachio as one of its main ingredients.

Along with these new releases, Grupo Pistacyl also presented the latest vintage of its Desacato wine at Salón Gourmets 2024, which it makes with 100% Verdejo grapes under the Rueda Denomination of Origin.

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PISTACYL S.L has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets during the 2018. Thanks to this, it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Valladolid Chamber of Commerce.

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PISTACYL S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “HOMOGENIZACIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN  DE PISTACHO DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN BASADO EN LA CALIBRACIÓN DE AGRICULTURA DE PRECISIÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20200822 , a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020.

El objetivo general del proyecto es continuar con la especialización y aprendizaje en las buena prácticas del cultivo del pistacho, con el fin ser competitivos en el mercado actual por medio de la homogenización de la producción basada en la agricultura de precisión.

Lugar de ejecución: Pozal de Gallinas- Valladolid.
Plazo de ejecución: de marzo de 2020 a diciembre 2022.
Presupuesto de ejecución: 209.826€.
Ayuda parcialmente Reembolsable: 162.824,98€

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“Grupo Pistacyl ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Internacionalización con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2023. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE de la Cámara de Comercio de Valladolid.”
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